четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.

Summer Diet - 7 kg in 3 weeks

Summer Diet - 7 kg in 3 weeks

If you have three weeks until summer vacation and up to dress that tiny bathing suit and do not know what to do to look fantastic, here are some tips and a special created for short periods with guaranteed results.

This diet is not recommended for a long time because it is quite restrictive. After the diet, experts recommend light and fat free foods or sweets. I mean nobody forbids you an ice cream occasionally, but leave untouched slice of chocolate cake ...
Ultra fast summer diet
The first week


Breakfast: green tea, a boiled egg, a carrot;
Snack: Yogurt 0%;
Lunch: salad with 1 tomato, a cucumber and a slice of boiled chicken (100g);
Dinner: vegetable soup without potatoes.


Breakfast: Black tea with a little skim milk;
Snack: March 1;
Lunch: a baked potato with greens;
Dinner: Cabbage soup.


Breakfast: green tea, scrambled eggs 2 egg whites, one red;
Snack: Yogurt 0%;
Lunch: salad with tuna;
Dinner: yogurt with 2 tablespoons of whole grains.


Breakfast: black tea with milk, 2 graham crackers;
Snack: kiwi, strawberries 4-5;
Lunch: chicken salad;
Dinner: salad: apple, celery, carrots.


Breakfast: green tea, 2 slices of ham and tomato salad;
Snack: strawberry;
Lunch: yogurt and freshly squeezed orange juice;
Dinner: Baked fish with vegetables.

Dieta de Vara: Cum slabesti sanatos in sezonul cald cu lamaie

If you want to look good in a bathing suit in the summer, choose the lemon diet that can help get rid of extra pounds.

What are the basic rules of diet lemon?
All the problems associated with obesity are the result of functional impairment of the digestive system that prevents the body to take all the nutrients needed for proper digestion.

Read Secrets slimming regime with lemon

Traditional diets based on hunger, only worsens the problem. Trying to lose weight deprives the body of energy needed. The feeling of lethargy, depression, and as a result, and a delay of metabolism. The result of all this is not weight loss, but overweight.

The new method, developed by experts, including severe restrictions on food. With young lemon diet, you should stick to a normal diet. A main product is really lemon - juice them, flesh and peel.

Read and lemon help you lose weight healthily

Citrus fruit has been shown to normalize the absorption of nutrients and metabolism. The lemon has a high citric acid content than other grains. Namely, can promote digestion, reacting with enzymes and release toxins from the body.

It is believed that the use of lime reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

This diet has its drawbacks (but they are relatively few):
• Not suitable for people with high acidity because there is a risk of heartburn or ulcers.
Do not avoid exercise.